After a flurry of emails, several doses of Excedrin, and much nail-biting, my scheduling problems have finally been resolved. My program director has agreed to bump up the unit count for my classes with extra work, so I have narrowly avoided the shame of being dropped from the study abroad program and the ensuing calamity.

Being incredibly relieved, I promptly tossed myself with gusto into the girl’s night out I’d planned with Shelley and Diana that evening. It had originally been intended as a forget-your-troubles night out, but I think you can agree a celebrating-the-narrow-avoidance-of-disaster night out is much better, yes? Yes.
In any case, we went out to the same bar we’d invaded on my birthday, and quickly graduated from ordering singles to doubles (happy hour was coming to a close, can you blame us?) and hoarding the glowsticks that came with our drinks.
I can’t express how relieved I am. Cheesy as it is, I suddenly feel like I’m living in Technicolor after months of gray. Having the school business fixed, winter coming to an end, and the realization that I’m past the halfway point of this trip is all giving me the urge to live it up.
Welcome to Oz Claud... it's like France, not Kansas...