...is a pain in the keister.
I dont hqve the ti,e or the patience for q long post right now. Furthermore Im leqving in qll the typos so thqt everyone cqn see hoz Im suffering. In cqse you hqvent guessed by now the Q key is in the A keys spot and I cqnt for the life of me find the apostrophe...waaaaah.
Ill be bqck with a journal entry I wrote just before boarding my plane.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
4 years, 9 months, 3 weeks, and 1 day with you...
...and tonight all I could think about was I need more time.
I wish you could sit beside me and hold my hand. You always managed to calm me down when I was scared.
I miss you.
I wish you could sit beside me and hold my hand. You always managed to calm me down when I was scared.
I miss you.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Packed within 8 oz. of the scale. 1 day left
So I fell off the wagon a bit there, but I'm back. I had a stressful day packing on Monday and now have two fully packed suitcases clocking in at 49.5 lbs each, as well as a 20 lb carry-on and my backpack. How do I have so much stuff?? My dad felt it necessary to remind me that I wasn't going to the moon.
Dad and his sparkling wit was one reason why the day was so stressful. That and the fact that homesickness is already setting in, and I haven't even left yet.
I really don't have anything particular to say, other than that Scott and I have seen each other every day since Sunday.
When I applied for this program, I didn't let the thought of a year without him stop me--how lame would that be, refusing the opportunity of a lifetime for a boy? But even though I wouldn't change anything, even though I still really want to go, for my academic and especially my personal growth...I don't want to leave. I want to go but not leave. That makes no sense, I know.
Dad and his sparkling wit was one reason why the day was so stressful. That and the fact that homesickness is already setting in, and I haven't even left yet.
I really don't have anything particular to say, other than that Scott and I have seen each other every day since Sunday.
When I applied for this program, I didn't let the thought of a year without him stop me--how lame would that be, refusing the opportunity of a lifetime for a boy? But even though I wouldn't change anything, even though I still really want to go, for my academic and especially my personal growth...I don't want to leave. I want to go but not leave. That makes no sense, I know.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Good luck, Graham! 4 days left

For Graham, who's going to school in Montreal for the coming year and is probably boarding his flight right now: I know it all started out a bit rough, but you'll do great and I hope you have many adventures. Have fun in Canada and make a snowman for me!
* * *
Last night was dedicated to laundry and packing. Packed suitcase number one, and after all the folding, arranging, and squishing, it weighed in at 46 lbs. I'm not even going to touch it unless I absolutely have to, but since I managed to pack in a good amount of stuff, I don't anticipate a problem.
This packing business is very odd for me. In all the trips I've taken that have involved luggage, only once have I ever had an entire suitcase to myself, and that was on the way home from Lima the summer before senior year. Even then, I'd arrived there sharing space with my sister; but whereas she left after two months, I stayed all summer. Having brought little clothing (I'm a very light packer) I used our smallest suitcase on the flight back.
Now I have to fill up two suitcases of 50 lbs. each, and each item that goes in underscores that this trip is different from all the others. I've never been away from my family for any significant length of time; even the month I spent alone in Lima after Alex left, I still visited my uncle and his family every week—he lived a 20-minute walk away.
This isn't a weekend trip where a backpack is sufficent, nor do I have to worry about my sister taking up more than her half of the luggage space. It's two regularly-sized suitacses, yawning empty and waiting to be filled with a year's worth of my life. To be honest, most of the time this trip doesn't even feel real to me, like as if this whole thing is some kind of daydream or an idle thought. It's little details like this that bring reality into focus. Right now I'm dreaming, but with each day that passes until Thursday, I wake up a little bit more.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Well-wishes from a friend. 5 days left
Last night a package from Veronica arrived, containing a 2009 travel guide to Paris, a beautiful journal, a self-sharpening pencil and a letter wishing me luck.

The last time I saw her, we met at the mall on Powell, and over lunch we discussed the upcoming changes in our lives: she’s done with school and looking for a career, I’m moving to Paris for the next ten months. It shouldn’t be surprising to learn that our conversation centered mostly on fear of growing up and of the unknown. I distinctly remember her making me swear to her that I’ll try new things.
“We have to be fearless, Claudia, fearless!” she said. It still makes me laugh thinking about it.
We first met

Veronica is one of those people. She’s one of those very lovely girls who can

I’m taking a page out of your book, V. Fearless. I promise.
Last-minute female bonding. 6 days left
Went into the city today to see Angelica, mostly so that I could trail her around downtown S.F. while she shopped for some new school clothes.
I did not do the laundry like I said I would.
But laundry can wait, I figured, since I won't see any of my friends (except, of course, for Aurelia) for a year. So fifteen minutes after I bolted out of bed, I was on my way to BART and in the city before 11 a.m. Once Angelica arrived we proceeded to Forever 21, a store I generally dislike because of it slave-to-trends feel. Unfortunately for my wallet, one of the biggest color trends this year has been purple—of all shades but mostly a rich, royal purple—which just happens to be my favorite color.
I think you can guess what happened. Since I so rarely find clothes I actually like given my pickyness, I couldn't resist the allure of of the sweater and t-shirt I found that were perfect. However, it wasn't all pleasant surprises finding attractive clothes in a store I normally avoid; there was still plenty to laugh at, as evinced by this...thing, this lunatic layered blouse combo we saw that left me nearly speechless.
I'm just gonna let that cacophony of color sink in.
It's a personal theory of mine that a certain percentage of the S.F. population—not a big one, but significant enough to be noticed—is more interested in cultivating an appearance that is unique rather than actually attractive. Another exellent example of this is the pair of shoes we saw later in Nordstrom's, of all places:
If you're wondering, then yes, those are indeed holes. In the shoes which no doubt cost at least $50.
The most amusing part of all of this, of course, was that Angelica knows me so well that I hardly needed to explain my horror to her. She's a people watcher, just like me, and she always knows what I'm thinking.
I'm really going to miss you while I'm away, Angelica.
I did not do the laundry like I said I would.
I think you can guess what happened. Since I so rarely find clothes I actually like given my pickyness, I couldn't resist the allure of of the sweater and t-shirt I found that were perfect. However, it wasn't all pleasant surprises finding attractive clothes in a store I normally avoid; there was still plenty to laugh at, as evinced by this...thing, this lunatic layered blouse combo we saw that left me nearly speechless.
I'm just gonna let that cacophony of color sink in.
It's a personal theory of mine that a certain percentage of the S.F. population—not a big one, but significant enough to be noticed—is more interested in cultivating an appearance that is unique rather than actually attractive. Another exellent example of this is the pair of shoes we saw later in Nordstrom's, of all places:
The most amusing part of all of this, of course, was that Angelica knows me so well that I hardly needed to explain my horror to her. She's a people watcher, just like me, and she always knows what I'm thinking.
I'm really going to miss you while I'm away, Angelica.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Beginning the countdown: 7 days left
I've decided that I'm going to try to post a little bit every day this week so that I can get back into the habit of writing daily. This lofty goal, however, comes unaccompanied by any particular inspiration, daily or otherwise, so I suppose that this coming week of posts is really just going to be a lot of me trying to get back into my groove. That and packing. Lots and lots of packing.
At first I told myself I’d bring only one suitcase, because I like to travel light. Then I thought about it and pretty much realized this would be an impossibility. And since packing in a rush is almost certain to drive me deranged, I’ve already begun.
At first I told myself I’d bring only one suitcase, because I like to travel light. Then I thought about it and pretty much realized this would be an impossibility. And since packing in a rush is almost certain to drive me deranged, I’ve already begun.
Looks like I’m trying to stock up a bathroom à l’américain, huh? Not quite, I promise. Some of that is junk food requested by Aurelia (notice the Jell-o and beef jerky), in addition to my horde of cold medicine, toothpaste* and scent-free SPF lotion**. Although I admit it looks a mess now, I’m confident that once I start actually arranging everything it will take up less space, since, after all, I have to fit some clothes in there too!
Tomorrow’s mission: massive amounts of laundry.
* Because if I don’t take it, no one will use it since it’s super minty.
** Since I’m given to understand that France isn’t big on unperfumed lotions, etc.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
In which I have 9 days left in California...
I finally received my visa yesterday, and the smoothness of the process was positively eerie. Possibly it helps that last Monday I was obsessively checking and re-checking that I had all the appropriate documents and paper-clipping them all neatly in graduated layers. Despite the brain-stupor-inducing 90-minute wait, once I was called I was finished in less than 10 minutes and was out the door, blinking stupidly in the sunlight and wondering what the heck just happened.
Yesterday, precisely one week later, I returned to the consulate and recieved all my paperwork with a minimum of fuss.
This is all becoming very real to me now.
Yesterday, precisely one week later, I returned to the consulate and recieved all my paperwork with a minimum of fuss.
This is all becoming very real to me now.
Monday, August 3, 2009
In which I have 17 days left in California...
I've been avoiding this blog. It's supposed to be a project to document my upcoming year in Paris, but even though I used to keep a blog about four or five years ago (more of a journal than anything else, to be honest) my efforts sort of trickled out after perhaps two years of self-indulgence, though I but recently deleted the account. It was because I had nothing to say, for in truth, I am not a very interesting person.
I am a scaredy-cat. I avoid unpleasant things, things that scare me, things that are difficult. This is why I speak to my father as little as possible, why I've never said the L word to my boyfriend and why I refused to take more college math classes than the one that was absolutely necessary for me to complete my GE. So of course the very first solution that comes to mind for getting this 'fraidy-cat out of her rut and into adulthood is moving to a foreign country where she'll be forced to juggle a full-time university schedule with a job on the side teaching English, making her tiny budget stretch harder than a sideshow contortionist and conviently placing both an entire continent and an ocean between herself and everyone who cares about her.
Well, at least I can truthfully say I'm not half-assing it.
Tomorrow's my appointment with the French consulate where, hopefully, I'll be able to get my long-stay visa with a minimum of fuss, considering the Major Drama that ensued when I tried to make my appointment.
Unsurprisingly, I'm scared. Not just that the appointment won't go smoothly, but for the packing and the budgeting and the paperwork and the leaving and the homesickness and most of all, for the possibility of failure. People keep asking me if I'm excited, and I'm not; I fluctuate wildly between a what the hell have I gotten myself into?-kind of fear and a grave self-assurance that if I just keep calm, I can make it. This year abroad isn't a lark for me—this is me trying to force myself to grow up because I can't help feeling that if I don't take this chance I never will. I'm 24 years old but I still feel and act like a teenager in a lot of ways.
First step I've taken out from under my mom's wing: I applied for, and got, financial aid for my year abroad, and that, combined with my salary as a teaching assistant, should cover all my expenses reasonably without requiring an infusion of cash from the Bank of M.O.M.—because while my finances may be in a shambles, my parents' are far, far, worse due to the bursting of the real estate bubble here in California. Even if they wanted to help me (which, in fact, they do) they couldn't; and I need to do this on my own, because I can't rely on them forever.
I don’t mean to sound melodramatic, if that’s the way I come off. Like most people, I have issues with parents and childhood awkwardness and insecurity, etc., ad nauseum. I’m just tired of being so damn cautious all the time. Not smart-cautious, like not walking in dark allies while tipsy at 3 a.m., but scared-cautious, where I hardly ever take risks or try new things. It’s my fervent hope that this year will not only help me to be stronger and more responsible, but also less afraid of taking risks and of adulthood in general.
I am a scaredy-cat. I avoid unpleasant things, things that scare me, things that are difficult. This is why I speak to my father as little as possible, why I've never said the L word to my boyfriend and why I refused to take more college math classes than the one that was absolutely necessary for me to complete my GE. So of course the very first solution that comes to mind for getting this 'fraidy-cat out of her rut and into adulthood is moving to a foreign country where she'll be forced to juggle a full-time university schedule with a job on the side teaching English, making her tiny budget stretch harder than a sideshow contortionist and conviently placing both an entire continent and an ocean between herself and everyone who cares about her.
Well, at least I can truthfully say I'm not half-assing it.
Tomorrow's my appointment with the French consulate where, hopefully, I'll be able to get my long-stay visa with a minimum of fuss, considering the Major Drama that ensued when I tried to make my appointment.
Unsurprisingly, I'm scared. Not just that the appointment won't go smoothly, but for the packing and the budgeting and the paperwork and the leaving and the homesickness and most of all, for the possibility of failure. People keep asking me if I'm excited, and I'm not; I fluctuate wildly between a what the hell have I gotten myself into?-kind of fear and a grave self-assurance that if I just keep calm, I can make it. This year abroad isn't a lark for me—this is me trying to force myself to grow up because I can't help feeling that if I don't take this chance I never will. I'm 24 years old but I still feel and act like a teenager in a lot of ways.
First step I've taken out from under my mom's wing: I applied for, and got, financial aid for my year abroad, and that, combined with my salary as a teaching assistant, should cover all my expenses reasonably without requiring an infusion of cash from the Bank of M.O.M.—because while my finances may be in a shambles, my parents' are far, far, worse due to the bursting of the real estate bubble here in California. Even if they wanted to help me (which, in fact, they do) they couldn't; and I need to do this on my own, because I can't rely on them forever.
I don’t mean to sound melodramatic, if that’s the way I come off. Like most people, I have issues with parents and childhood awkwardness and insecurity, etc., ad nauseum. I’m just tired of being so damn cautious all the time. Not smart-cautious, like not walking in dark allies while tipsy at 3 a.m., but scared-cautious, where I hardly ever take risks or try new things. It’s my fervent hope that this year will not only help me to be stronger and more responsible, but also less afraid of taking risks and of adulthood in general.
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